Monday, October 12, 2009


Yesterday we went to IKEA to pick up the last stuff we need for the nursery. Me now 4 weeks away from my due date, have to stop and rest every 5 minutes. So I sat down on a pile of rugs to take a breather while my husband came and brought me different kinds of rugs that we might pick for the little ones room.

So while I was sitting there, a lady came up to me and started talking. She told me about her kids, that she was also pregnant in October with all of them and then preceded to say:
"You know what I was doing when I went into labor? Shopping. Just like you are doing now. My boy came later that same night and he was 3 weeks early"

Then she went on her way. When my husband came back with another rug I told him the story.

He then said, OK lets go. And he gave me a ride on the cart. And then he told me to go sit down and wait for him while checking out. He also demanded that I stay put so he could go get the car. I was not allowed to carry the sheets I bought, even though he carried the curtain rods, the rugs, the changing table accessories and 10 other items with 2 hands.

When we came home, I was ordered to lay down on the couch while he made meatballs with gravy and potatoes.

Thank you dear crazy IKEA lady who spooked my man into doing exactly what I have been wanting him to do for the past 5 months. I owe you.


  1. Hahahahaa!! Han e för söt!!! Men det är bra för den lilla kan komma närsomhelst. Dagen innan Selma föddes strosade jag omkring på stan tillsammans med Emma & Milla med sammandragningar. Tänkte att det känns bara lite mer idag.... hehehe. Nog för det är absolut vanligast att man går över tiden första gången, men man vet aldrig! Ta hand om dig!

  2. Och jag shoppade faktiskt med Therese och fick sammandragningar senare pa kvallen. Jag sa att det kandes lite konstigt under dagen. Sa det ligger nog nagonting i det dar med shopping....
